Introduction: What is a FUT Hair Transplant Procedure?
The FUT hair transplant procedure is the most common type of hair transplant surgery. It is a surgical procedure in which a strip of scalp tissue containing hair follicles is removed from the back of the head.
The surgeon then sews the strip onto an area where baldness has occurred or where hair loss has begun. The goal of this surgery is to make it look like these hairs have been growing in that area all along. This procedure is for people with male-pattern baldness, female-pattern baldness, or alopecia areata.
The Benefits of Getting A Hair Transplant
A hair transplant is a procedure in which hair follicles are removed from one area of the scalp and transplanted to another. A hair transplant can be performed on anyone who has a healthy donor area, and it is the most effective treatment for baldness.
The Benefits of Getting A Hair Transplant:
– You will have more control over your hairstyle.
– You will be able to style your hair in any way you want.
– You will have a better looking head of hair.
– Your self esteem will improve as you feel more confident about yourself.
What are the Different Types of FUT Hair Transplants Available?
There are many different types of FUT hair transplants. You can get it done at a clinic or as an outpatient procedure.
Follicle harvesting techniques include:
– Strip harvesting: It is the oldest technique where the surgeon removes a strip of skin from the back or side of your head. The strip contains many hair follicles and is cut into small pieces that are then implanted into the bald area.
– Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): In this technique, a surgeon removes a narrow strip of scalp from your donor area in order to create one large graft with multiple follicular units.
– Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): In this technique, individual follicular units are removed one by one and transplanted individually to create natural looking results.
How Long Does It Take for Your Hair to Start Growing After a Procedure?
The hair growth cycle is a complex process, and it can be affected by many factors.
The time it takes for your hair to start growing after a procedure depends on the type of procedure. A FHT can take up to 6 months for the scalp to fully heal, but that timeframe can vary based on the person and their individual experience.
What are the Possible Side-Effects of a FUT Hair Transplant?
FUT is a surgical procedure that removes hair from the back and sides of the head. The hair follicles are then transplanted to the front of the scalp.
The most common side-effects are, but not limited to:
-Hair shedding
-Excessive hair loss
-Hair growth in wrong areas
Conclusion FUT Hair Transplant
FUT Hair Transplant is a surgical procedure that involves extracting hair from the back and sides of the head, taking individual follicular units from the donor area and then grafting them to bald or balding areas on the scalp.
In conclusion, FUT Hair Transplant is a surgical procedure that involves extracting hair from the back and sides of the head, taking individual follicular units from the donor area and then grafting them to bald or balding areas on the scalp.